Document For Change/Extension

Regarding Change in Model/Dealer/RTO/Other in GST concession certificate issued, it is to convey that following documents:-

  1. Application for seeking Change in Model/Dealer/RTO along with reason for change in details. (on plain paper duly signed by the applicant)
  2. Copy of GST concession certificate.
  3. Letter from Dealer confirming non-delivery of vehicle, supported by valid reason.
  4. Details of the New Dealer (Name, Address, email id) / Model as desired (Length and engine capacity should be as per specifications stipulated in the guideline).
  5. Notorised affidavit affirming that GST concession has not been availed by you based on the GST certificate already issued to you, for which corrigendum is required. (Notary)

Regarding extension of validity period of GST concession certificate issued, it is to convey that following documents:-

  1. Application for seeking extension in validity period along with reason for non-utilization of GST concession certificate in details. (on plain paper duly signed by the applicant)
  2. Copy of GST concession certificate.
  3. Letter from Dealer confirming non-delivery of vehicle.
  4. Notorised affidavit affirming that GST concession has not been availed by you based on the GST certificate already issued to you, for which corrigendum is required. (Notary)